Master Necrotech Mortenebra (Infernal Machines, Tier 4)
- Deryliss
- Slayer helljack
- Slayer helljack
- Slayer helljack
- Slayer helljack
- Slayer helljack
- Scrap thrall
- Scrap thrall
Scrap Thrall (full)
Scrap Thrall (full)
Scrap Thrall (full)
Warwitch Siren
Warwitch Siren
Holy crap! Six heavy 'jacks! Mortenebra's tier list decreases the cost of heavy jacks by one point each. Still...
Lord Arcanist Ossyan
- Discordia
- Hydra
Houseguard halberdiers (full+UA)
Stormfall archers
Stormfall archers
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Terrain was a small forest dead center, and the four small difficult terrain pieces (Sam's tank traps) 12" out in the cardinal directions. Jim won the flip and setup mid-field. He put Morty and her retinue dead center and three helljacks on either side, about eight inches out. Necrotechs were behind the 'jacks. I setup in my far left corner, eEiryss on the board edge, then all e halberdiers, then Discordia, finally Hydra. Ossyan was behind Discordia and the archers were a second line behind the halberdiers.
Turn 1 (Cryx)
They all ran. Morty used her magic to get free charges with +2 movement for all the helljacks. Looks like they will all bunch together midfield moving between the tank traps and forest. The scrapthralls shuffled towards me, ominously. Holy crap: six heavy 'jacks!
Turn 1 (Retritution)
Retribution all move up and form a swoop from the left board edge back, quite careful to stay out of charge range of thralls. Ossyan casts chronomancer on himself, shatter Storm on one group of archers, and admonition on Discordia. Tons of shooting. Eight (?) of the scraps are dead and several of the jacks took glancing hits from detonating thralls and shatterstorm blasts.
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End of Turn 1 |
Turn 2 (Cryx)
They all ran. Morty used her magic to get free charges with +2 movement for all the helljacks. They all bunched together midfield moving between the tank traps and forest. Scrapthralls shuffled towards me, ominously. Holy crap: six heavy 'jacks!
Turn 2 (Retribution)
Two of the scrap thralls are within four inches of my left-most halberdiers. Snicker-snak and they're dead. The POW 8 blast can't possibly hurt ARM 18 guys. Who rolls dice minus 10? Jim does. Boo! I mean, Boom. Elves die. But that's not the real problem. There are four helljacks clumped almost B2B midfield about 8" from me, and then two more off behind them slowed down passing through the forest. Archers back up, shoot, Discordia shoots, hydra shoots, and we almost bring down the front 'jack. Crap. Only have Ossyan left. Can't miss. Chronophage cannon strikes the lead 'jack and splashes to the others. Now they're all -2 DEF — and more importantly, can't run or charge next turn. Hooray for time magic!
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End of Turn 2 |
Turn 3 (Cryx)
Jim only has one charge, with the left-most slayer. He adds focus, casts Steel Soul (?). Two halberdiers got too close when trying to kill a thrall, and they're in range. Squish. Two dead. And here's a big mistake, because Jim didn't use Overrun to get a free full advance one for of his 'jacks. The others muddle forward, getting maybe six inches from the Ret troops. Necrotechs heal the damaged helljacks for about six points.
Turn 3 (Retribution)
FEAT! Ossyan manipulates gravity itself, granting an extra die for all friendly ranged damage rolls (and one less die for all enemy ranged damage rolls) within his control area. Stormfall archers drop eight aimed Brutal Shot arrows into two helljacks, rolling 12+4d6 vs seventeen armor. Two die. Eiryss fires into the slayer that just killed the halberdiers, stripping Steel Soul, then the halberdiers charge its back arc and CMA it to death. On the other side, Discordia, Hydra, and Ossyan unload into a fourth, destroying it, too. Nothing's left in charge range, but there are now a ton of wreck markers to turn into scrap thralls.
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End of Turn 3 |
Turn 4 (Cryx)
At this point Jim has to go, so we call the game.
Great game. At this point it looked pretty good for Retribution, but that hardly means anything in Warmachine.
Jim's list was positively terrifying. Six heavy 'jacks at thirty-five points! I think the game should have been his, but his choice to deploy first, centrally, and spread out against a mostly shooty (snooty?) army, led him to come at the Retribution in manageable waves. Ossyan's feat to grant an extra die on top of boost dice, weapon master dice, and so forth, is just brutal-icious. It's a nice mirror to Ravyn's +1 dice to-hit feat. Think he'll be useful against our Khador-heavy club. His ability to control running and charging using his chronophage cannon and Admonition on his myrmidons was a huge help in this game.
Despite all that, the MVP of this game has to be the stormfall archers. Range sixteen when they need it; great against infantry (who cares if they miss, it's a three-inch AoE); and great against 'jacks (free boosted damage within twelve inches). They delivered.
Thanks for the game, Jim. Learned a ton, got to play against Morty, and had some great conversation. Hope we can do it again soon.
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